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Writer's pictureDebbie Christopher

Thinking Virtuously...

~By Debbie Christopher--Virtuous Woman~Part Two

Last week, in Part One, we determined from Scripture that a virtuous woman is capable, commendable, admirable, noble, excellent, and wise. What a list, right?

I then hinted regarding a New Testament passage that answers the question, “HOW?” What ‘steps’ do we need to follow to become virtuous women?

A similar list of virtuous synonyms is found in Philippians 4:8.

The Apostle Paul concluded this list with one short phrase to direct us as to how. Paul closed his letter to the church at Phillipi with a list of ‘things’ and then admonished the believers (and ultimately us) “to think on these things”.

Question 1: What does it mean to think on these things?

Question 2: What are ‘these things’?

What does it mean to think on these things?

...if there be any virtue

...if there be any praise

...think on these things.

This particular phrase is also translated think about or consider. These things should be of utmost thought in our daily lives. "This involves centering our minds on exalted things and then putting them into practice.”**

What are 'these things'?

The Bible Knowledge Commentary describes these objects of thought as "objects of a wholesome thought life."**

The six objects of thought listed in this verse are:

...whatever is true~~what is honest; reliable**

...whatever is honorable~~what is worthy of respect**

...whatever is just~~what is right; conforming to God's standards**

...whatever is pure~~wholesome**; chaste*

...whatever is lovely~~what promotes praise**; amiable; pleasing*

...whatever is of good report~~what is admirable; commendable**; true to the highest standard*

Paul is admonishing believers to be virtuous by centering our thought life on these things.

One last question may remain...How do we establish such a thought life?

Romans 12:2 ( admonishes believers to be transformed (changed) by the renewing of our minds. In other words, renewing what we 'think on'. Colossians 3:16 ( tells us how to do that. Let the word of (the message of) Christ dwell in us richly.

The word of Christ...God's word...Scripture

The ultimate answer for 'how we become a virtuous woman' is 'thinking on' virtuous things by centering our thoughts on the teachings found in God‘s Word regarding the six things listed above. In order for this change to take place, we need to be in God's word regularly--daily.

I challenge you to take time daily to read God's word, 'think on these things', and consider ways to put them into practice.

Let's think virtuously~


*Barker, Kenneth L and Kohnlenberger, John R III, editors, The Expositor’s Bible Commentary- Old Testament, Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1994.

**Walvoord, John F. and Zuck, Roy B. (editors), The Bible Knowledge Commentary-Old Testament, Colorado Springs, CO: Cook Publishing Co., 2004.


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Feb 28, 2022

Debbie, I love how you wove in the concept of virtuous woman and tied it in with Philippians 4:8--a directive for everyone! Though the intent is helping us women, it behooves all of us-- men, women, children--to desire to be all God has created us to be in every way. And I agree with Sharon--like the vocab descriptions!


Sharon Czerwien
Sharon Czerwien
Feb 27, 2022

I like the Philippians 4 vocabulary descriptions.

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