~By Sharon Czerwien

My book’s Launch Day is here!
Core: Biblical Principles for When Life Gets Bumpy is now LIVE!
God has certainly worked in neat ways to get everything to this point. He has brought amazing people into my life. Here is a portion of my book’s acknowledgement section:
I thank God for His countless provisions of grace, even when I respond poorly to my own life’s bumps.
I am tremendously thankful for my family’s support. Thank you to my husband who worked out many technological kinks for me. From my printer woes to my formatting malfunctions, you were patient through many mishaps!
Mom and dad, I am grateful for your sound help in this writing process. You were often a sounding-board for my thoughts, and you gave me continuously insightful suggestions. Your love for writing has rubbed off on me.
Here is a shout-out to my young children. You keep me on my toes and on my knees (in prayer). You have been sweet to genuinely wonder how things were going with my book.
I am forever grateful to my former graduate school professors. Here is a heartfelt thank you to Greg Christopher (dad!), Kevin Carson, Stephen Schrader, Wayne Slusser, Arnie Smith, and the late Myron Houghton. I am thankful for how God used each of you to play such an important role in my life. You not only taught me theology, but you taught me the importance of applying it at the heart level.
I am also appreciative of those in my life who have contributed to this book in some way. Thank you to Rosalie Francetich, Angie Chance, Heather Rivera, Brad Williams, Brittney Pauley, Dave Perry, Matt Vanderford, Rhoda, and Aimee. Thank you to the Pastors I know and whom I quoted in this book. To Bob Carlson, Phillip Housley, and Dean Clarkson, you are appreciated.
Thank you to Lindsay Clarkson for taking my professional photograph. Thank you to Lori Lasco for getting me professionally ready for the photo shoot.
I want to thank my Book Launch Team:
Nancy Barnes
Debbie Christopher
Emily Christopher
Gregory T. Christopher, PhD
James Christopher
Cheri Cilli
Brenda Dugan
Tracy Eckman
Maggie Hatfield
Rhonda Hayes
Cheryl Hipsher
Mandy Horn
Lisa Lawrence
Jannette Malone
Becky Mitchell
Cheryl Page, MS CCC/SLP, ED
Wilma Peninger
Joanne Scigliano
Courtney Shawhan
Tracy Tritt, RN
Maria Warriner
Later in the month, I will be posting about the history of the Bumps Are Okay Ministry, but for now, I want to express my appreciation for God’s blessings and for the people who helped make this book possible!
Congratulations, Sharon! It truly is a “team” effort. Thankful that the Lord has placed all these people in your life to make the writing of your book possible!
It was an honor and a joy! My heart is bursting!❤️😍