By Sharon Czerwien

My son has once again been teaching me about a fascinating topic—military jets. (He happily agreed to build me a LEGO® jet from scratch when I asked him to build something for this blog's main picture.)
The real-life flying machines completely WOW me! I was even inspired to teach a military jet class in our family’s homeschool co-op.
Each time I learn about our military jets, I appreciate our American military pilots even more.
Now, please hang with me for a moment…
For this post, I desire to share two fascinating things I learned about debris and how this debris impacts military jets.
2 Thoughts on Debris
1. Foreign Object Debris (FOD)
Random debris on the runway can be dangerous for a pilot who is landing. On the Fluctus YouTube channel, the video explains Foreign Object Debris (FOD) on an aircraft carrier. Check out the video, with the FOD portion starting around minute 7:55.
Even small FOD—which is more than just "pesky" debris—can negatively impact the jet’s landing. Later in the Fluctus video, it shows footage of military personnel using a big push broom to sweep off the unwanted debris.
2. Pilot Helmets
You have probably seen videos of a quick-flying fighter jet and a pilot who is suited up in a helmet and gear. There are many reasons why a helmet is important for a military pilot.
In an article entitled, Why Do Fighter Pilots Wear Masks, Justin Hayward explains many reasons for the pilot's helmet.
One big reason is for all-things COMMUNICATION! Microphones and headphones are vital for necessary communication while in the air.
For the purpose of this blog post, though, my favorite “helmet reason” from Hayward is that helmets provide protection in case of pilot ejection. If a pilot must eject from his jet for security reasons, the helmet provides necessary protection from—you guessed it—debris (among other necessary protections when falling to the earth)!
Without a doubt, debris is to be guarded against!
Spiritual Analogy
What kind of “spiritual temptation debris” do we need to personally guard against? Please know, I understand that temptation itself is not a sin. It all comes down to what we do with the temptation. Do we proactively guard against harmful spiritual debris so that we do not get hurt by becoming swept up in the temptation?
One of my favorite chapters in the Bible is Proverbs 4. The verses speak clearly on how to protect ourselves from spiritual harm.
In fact, Proverbs 4:20 commands that we should keep our hearts with all diligence.
The Hebrew word for keep in this verse means to guard and watch over; guard with fidelity; to be a keeper **
This idea of keep reminds me of what the military personnel must do to keep the military landing strips free from debris. It takes a proactive and faithful mindset to protect those involved.
Spiritually speaking, we must be on a faithful spiritual watch so that we guard our hearts from harmful temptation. Being consistently and spiritually on-guard is a must.
The Bible—and keeping it at the forefront of our lives—is THE protection from “spiritual temptation debris.”
Let’s keep on our spiritual protection and steer clear of temptations that can knock us down.
~Keep guard,
“When US Navy Most Feared Jets Miss Landing on US Aircraft Carriers” by Fluctus Channel, accessed October 1, 2023.
Justin Hayward, “Why Do Fighter Pilots Wear Masks”, accessed October 1, 2023.
**Eugene E. Carpenter, Warren Baker, and Spiros Zodhiates, The Complete Word Study Bible, found on the Olive Tree Bible App, Olive Tree Bible Software (AMG Publishers).
Love it! Watch out for FOD!!!😉