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Four Biblical Reminders from Two Children’s Shared Health Problems

Writer's picture: Sharon CzerwienSharon Czerwien

~By Sharon Czerwien

I wrote this article three months ago. I have finally decided to post it...

While sitting in the same doctor’s office for consecutive appointments for both of my children, I have been in awe of the intricacies and internal workings in every person.

I have learned much about “presenting problems” in patients. Presenting problems have nothing to do with bringing up/causing problems for another person. Medically-speaking, these presenting problems have everything to do with the way a person’s body shows forth its symptoms based on any given medical problem.

Examples of a Shared Health Problem

Unfortunately, both of my kiddos have been recently experiencing new and specific food sensitivities.

Without sharing too much information, both of my children are experiencing very similar things internally regarding the gut and how their bodies are processing food.

In their separate appointments, I thought I was listening to a broken record. I was hearing very synonymous pieces of information during my children’s appointments—but only for a portion of their appointment times.

What do I mean? Well, as similar as their health issues have been, each child has experienced *completely* different symptoms that I have had to share with the doctor.

Awwww…those pesky presenting problems!!

Examples of Presenting Problems

Again, without sharing too much, one of my kiddo’s symptoms have mostly affected the throat and caused what the doctor referred to as angry-looking tonsils. This kiddo has also had eczema and a bout with hives.

My other child’s main symptom has been tummy discomfort.

Quite honestly, the symptoms for one child have been far worse than for the other. Yet, the child with less painful symptoms has had a bigger hurdle for foods to give up. Both children have been impacted in some way, though. Both have had to sacrifice something.

Same Problem—Different Symptoms

Life-lived can look much like this health analogy. People may go through similar trials but still exhibit much different presenting problems and stresses than another person.

Stressful bumps in life can be just that—stressful! In an identical trial, presenting problems may impact some seemingly more than others, but all sacrifice something.

The Takeaway

If an identical bump seems small to us, but large to another, may we never judge or exhibit a better-than-thou attitude.

If an identical bump seems huge to us, but not a big deal for another, may we never feel discouraged that we are a miserable failure.

May we do what the Great Physician teaches us in the Bible. Here are four quick biblical lessons to keep in mind:

1. Cast our cares to God in prayer.

“Casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you” (I Peter 5:7, NKJV).

We can throw our concerns to God in prayer. God invites us to lighten our load and cast our cares to HIM!

2. Help bear each other’s burdens.

“Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ” (Galatians 6:2, NKJV).

We can encourage and uplift each other when help is needed.

3. Keep our faith strong!

“So that we ourselves boast of you among the churches of God for your patience and faith in all your persecutions and tribulations that you endure” (2 Thessalonians 1:4).

What an example! The Thessalonian believers kept their faith in God and His plan, even amid their own persecution and trials.

4. Do not give up!

“And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart” (Galatians 6:9).

Even when stresses seem bad, we can strive to do the good of keeping faith in God and His plan. We must not let a trial cause us to lose hope in God’s plan.

Breathe, trust, and take it easy!



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6 commentaires

28 juin 2022

Praying for you and your kiddos.

Sharon Czerwien
Sharon Czerwien
28 juin 2022
En réponse à

Same to you!!! 💙


Lisa Lawrence
Lisa Lawrence
01 mai 2022

Resilience is the key. Seems as if we need to hear more sermons on that, especially as the Lord’s return is drawing nearer. Everyone, and our young people more than ever, need to be taught that believers who are resilient never stop trusting in God even when things don’t go their way. Giving up should never be an option.

Thanks for the good post.

Sharon Czerwien
Sharon Czerwien
01 mai 2022
En réponse à

I like that...resilience, while looking to God, is a big deal. 👍


Great thoughts, Sharon!

Sharon Czerwien
Sharon Czerwien
01 mai 2022
En réponse à

Thank you


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