~By Sharon Czerwien

Photo Permissions by Andrew Fielder Photography
I am working on a big writing project, and the process has been a blast.
More details to come, but I was recently blessed to interview Monster Jam driver, Brianna Mahon, for this writing project. She is the fabulous driver of the light blue truck, Whiplash.
Brianna was down to earth and so very helpful with my monster truck questions.
Considering she is a popular Monster Jam driver with a huge fan base...well, let's just say that I felt giddy, nervous, honored, AND unworthy to contact her that first time.
As I was given the ‘okay’ to contact her, I even felt guilty knowing her contact information. I truly did not feel worthy to be able to contact her for the interview.
In awesome fashion, though, Brianna willingly accepted and answered each monster truck question for my project. I was so humbled by this.
All this profoundly reminded me of what God has willingly done on my behalf (and yours)!
Sorry to say it so directly, but we are all unworthy sinners to receive God's love and grace. The Bible teaches that, "For all have sinned..." (Romans 3:23).
YET, the Bible also teaches that God loved us first! Before we chose to love Him, HE already loved us. (See 1 John 4:19.)
Why in the world would God choose to love me, an unworthy sinner? Without a doubt…unworthy!
Well, thankfully, I do not have to know this answer fully. I must only be willing to accept God’s love and His free offer of salvation.
In the past, I have written something for children to help them better understand how to accept Jesus' free gift of salvation. I have copied and pasted it here:
If you are unsure that you are a child of God (some call it being “saved” or “being a Christian”), here is how to become a child of God.
Let’s look at the “ABC’s” of salvation.
A: Admit you are a sinner.
“For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23).
A sin is anything you do that goes against what the Bible teaches. Examples include lying, disobedience, unkindness, not doing your best, etc. Everyone is guilty of sin. This sin separates humans from God.
B: Believe that Jesus Christ died for your sin. (He rose from the dead, too, because He is God.)
“But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8).
“And the angel said to the women, ‘Do not be afraid; for I know that you are looking for Jesus who has been crucified. He is not here, for He has risen, just as He said…’” (Matthew 28:5-6a).
He died on a cross as the payment for your sin. Without Jesus’ sacrifice, you would be stuck in your sin with no hope for forgiveness.
C: Call to God (in prayer) to save you from your sin.
“For everyone who calls on the name of the LORD will be saved” (Romans 10:13).
There is nothing you can do to earn salvation. The Bible teaches salvation is by faith and not through any good works (Ephesians 2:8-9).
Here is a refreshing thing! You do not have to worry if you are good enough for God. God just wants you to have faith in Him. He is the way to salvation.
Here is an example prayer to become a child of God:
God, I know I am a sinner and do bad things. I believe that Jesus died as the payment for my sin. I accept this as the only way I can be saved. Please come into my life and save me. Amen
With your faith placed in Jesus, you are then a child of God.
I will end this post by including a picture I have shared before. The picture shows what my daughter wrote down to share with others.
Though you and I are unworthy of His favor, God freely offers His grace and gift of salvation.

Drive easy,
Thank you to Andrew Fielder Photography for granting me permission to use your photograph.
Well said, Sharon.