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Don’t Forget about Today

Writer's picture: Debbie ChristopherDebbie Christopher

Do you have an upcoming vacation marked on your calendar?

I’ve been excited the past few days thinking about our upcoming cross country flight to enjoy some time with our daughter, son-in-law—AND the Grands—for the first time in almost 18 months (thanks to COVID chaos)!

Then, I had this 'awful' thought this morning. As excited as I am to begin this journey, one month from today it will all be over. We will be back home wondering when the next opportunity might come along. Have you ever viewed an upcoming vacation in this light? It kind of takes the wind out of your sail, doesn’t it?

Maybe this is God’s way of reminding us about focusing too much on tomorrow instead of TODAY.

James 4:13-15 states:

“Come now, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will travel to such and such a city and spend a year there and do business and make a profit.” You don’t even know what tomorrow will bring — what your life will be! For you are like smoke that appears for a little while, then vanishes. Instead, you should say, “If the Lord wills, we will live and do this or that.”

‭‭James‬ ‭4:13-15‬ ‭HCSB‬‬

Although James is actually writing this as a warning against making (and bragging about) business plans without including God’s directions in those plans, we can still learn another principle from these words.

The phrase “Come now” is based upon an interjectory colloquialism that we would understand to be equivalent to “Listen up!” James is making it a point to get the readers’ attention. In other words, James seems to be saying: 'Those of you who are saying that tomorrow you will do this or that, listen up! You don’t know what tomorrow holds! Maybe you should stop and think about what God might want you to do today'

The editors of The Bible Knowledge Commentary state the following, “Man’s plans are always tentative. His plans are not his own. Time is not his own. In fact, life is not his own.”

Maybe instead of spending each countdown day as “in X number of days, I will begin my trip/vacation,” I should instead recognize and consider the blessings and responsibilities of each of those days leading up to GO time. What can I do to honor God and be a blessing to others over these next few days? What all will I have to be thankful for over the next few days?

Don’t forget about today as you anticipate tomorrow.

I’m not saying you shouldn’t be excited about the rest/relaxation/opportunities God has afforded you, but don’t waste today while focusing on what lies ahead!

Or, maybe instead of dreading each day as “in X number of days, it will all be over,” we should recognize the blessings given us and be thankful for the opportunities that await! Agree?

Now, pack your bags AND enjoy today...

and, when you unpack your bags, remember to say a special prayer of thankfulness!

Bon Voyage!



Walvoord, John F. and Zuck, Roy B. (editors), The Bible Knowledge Commentary-Old Testament, Colorado Springs, CO: Cook Publishing Co., 2004


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